Thursday, December 24, 2020

#WCW: Womens Cosmetic-Crush Wednesday Clubhouse Chat . 12-23-21

Wednesdays are all about #WCW , and for me it means Womens Cosmetic-Crush Wednesday.  A time for us to chat about our "Crushes" whether it be Makeup, Skincare, Haircare,  anything beauty related.  Whether its a product / routine/ treatment we want or we've rediscovered .  Its just such a fun topic .  This was my second one I held on Clubhouse and as promised I created a re-Cap. 

Skincare and Makeup took the forefront this week, as we shared about eye products specifically , and some great lip options.  Pat Mcgrath currently has this amazing sale going on by the way. 
False lashes are always fun, and a rich Body Butter to keep skin supple is always a nice treat.  This week was also amazing as a few business owners even shared some discount codes.  One of my top go-to products I keep in my collection - eye cream , was discussed as well. Some ladies shared they don't really use eye cream - so we offered some great suggestions for them to consider. 

Lip : 

Lashes : 
Discount Code : Clubhouse 10 

Body : 
20% Off the Entire Site 

Eye Cream 

Eye Shadow: 

Bonus :  BodyByLaren 
Discount Code : Giftcard 

Have a Happy Holiday !  I hope you've found something here worth giving a try for yourself. 

As always stay Hydrated, Healthy and Safe ! 

Jeannie xo 

To stay connected and updated with the latest chats click here

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