So gone are the days of shaving ( sooo Pre-Historic Age), waxing, hair removal creams, and epilators . Laser hair removal is the new-age go-to option for obtaining a silky smooth hairless body - permanently.
If you've recently tuned into the latest reality televisions series that rhymes with "Lardashians" - you would have noticed that two very famous celebutante sisters went in for laser hair removal session and it was so pleasant - well it appeared to be on t.v. They chatted away during their sessions as if nothing was being done. I am quite sure after this episode aired , the rise in requests for laser hair removal will soar. Which is a good thing, isn't it???
** Keep in mind , that if your skin is of darker tones - (including myself) laser is not recommended as the best hair removal option.**
Here are a few helpful tips for pre and post laser hair removal
Pre - Laser Hair Removal
Pre - Laser Hair Removal
- Please ensure to shave treatment area at least 24 hours before each treatment to avoid any irritation in area after treatment. If this is not done prior to treatment an additional charge will apply.
- A cooing device and gel will be used with the laser to minimize the sensation.
- Safety considerations are important during the laser treatment protective eyewear must be worn by the client and all therapists in the laser room during the procedure.
Post - Laser Hair Removal
- Immediately after the treatment, there may be erythema (redness) and oedema (swelling) of the treatment area, which may last up to 2 hours, or longer. The erythema may last up to 2-3 days. The treated area may feel warm for a few hours after the treatment. Avoid picking or scratching the treated area. Aloe Vera gel only may be applied to the treated area to reduce any discomfort.
- All forms of exercise should be avoided for 24 hours after the treatment.
- Light Make-up may be applied to the area after the treatment,
- Exfoliation of the area must be avoided for 48hrs after treatment.
- Avoid sun exposure (including sunbeds) to reduce the chance of Hypopigmentation or Hyperpigmentation. An SPF3O is advised to be worn on treatment area.
- Do NOT use any other hair removal products or similar treatments (waxing, electrolysis, tweezing or hair removal creams) that will disturb the hair foIicIe during treatment course. Shaving is the only method of hair removal that can be used while receiving Laser treatment.
- All heat treatments (inc. showers, baths, steam and sauna) should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment.
- Anywhere from 5-14 days after having this treatment, shedding of the hair MAY occur and this appears as new hair growth. This is NOT new hair growth. You can clean and remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth or loofa sponge.
- After the underarms are treated, use a powder in place of deodorant for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.
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