1. A small shiny ornamental disk, often sewn on cloth; a spangle.
2. A gold coin of the Venetian Republic. Also called zecchino.
tr.v. se·quined, se·quin·ing, se·quins
To affix sequins to (a garment, for example).
Small shiny ornate disks , that adorn everything from accessories, clothing to furniture - sequins always turn up the glam factor a notch when added. Sequin dresses are one of my most favorite choices for evening looks, because there is something about that little hint of "sparkle" that they add. Sequins when added in a subtle approach ( like in the dresses shown above) can go a long way - its glamorous and flashy without being too over the top. More recently, there was a picture of these Ralph Lauren Distressed Jeans that were adorned with sequins as well- its a mix of edge and glam. For the Fashion Mavericks, a Full on Sequin Dress , or even Palettes ( sequins older sister) are a real "show stopper" option. Another great option to add sequins to a look is with accessories. A simple look with a pair of sparkly sequin shoes ( think something similar to those gold Louboutin pumps Carrie wore in Sex and The City 2) , its such a visual treat ! Whatever option you choose, just make sure you choose to add a little glitz, sparkle and glam with sequins!!!
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