Lace Front wigs are all over Hollywood from Tyra Banks to Beyonce, they're the cutting edge trend in versatility in hair styling.
Zara wigs (pictured, bottom row) is a fabulous line of lace front wigs for women of all ethnic backgrounds ( you name it, there's a wig to fit that hair texture!). I also love that these wigs are ideal for women who have thin hair or experiencing hair thinning, and want to feel more confident. These wigs will more than do that! You can just use lace front wigs to go from brunette to blonde , straight to curly, all in one week!!! There is no commitment unlike extensions which are applied in a more permanent manor. are available in different styles and textures : Body wave, Deep Wavy, Tight Wavy, Wavy Curl, Malaysian Texture ( thick and Straight) and Kinky Curly.
Zara wigs are custom order , and prices start at $480 . For more information check out www.zarawigs.com
can you do a giveaway on a lacefront! I'm curious but I don't want to shell out 1k and look like chewbaca!
thats up to the powers that be @ Zara .. beyond my jurisdiction
well I got me a lacefront and it's great it's the past, future and beyond it's now
praise beyonce!
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